Magento 2.4.7 Release — Key Highlights, Features, & Benefits

Priyanka Ghosh

By : Priyanka Ghosh

Magento 2.4.7 Release — Key Highlights, Features, & Benefits1

Overview Of Magento 2.4.7 Release

Great news for the Magento community! Adobe Commerce has released the latest Magento version, 2.4.7. 

With the Magento 2.4.7 release, we have a wide range of new features, crucial fixes, and enhancements that will improve your eCommerce experience.

The new Magento version is loaded with 140+ improvements in terms of security, features, performance, and resolving various critical bugs. 

Compared to the previous Magento 2.4.6 release notes, the Magento 2.4.7 release now supports PHP 8.3. 

This latest release will revolutionize the way merchants and shoppers interact online. In this blog, we will break down key highlights, features, and benefits of the latest Magento 2.4.7 Release.

Key Highlights of Magento 2.4.7 Release

  • 13 security patches that include robust validations, libraries, tokens, permissions, sanitations, etc.
  • 150+ improvements and fixes for Magento Open Source. 
  • Incorporated security for payment information transferred via GraphQL and REST API.
  • 200 quality improvement and other enhancements for Adobe Commerce.
  • Improved GraphQL caching capability. 
  • Support for the latest versions of MariaDB, MySQL, Elasticsearch, PHO, RabbitMQ, Varnish, OpenSearch, etc.
  • Introduction to Magento Open Source Extension Metapackage.

Other Highlights

  • Faster and more accurate catalog search performance.
  • Provides support for the latest PHP 8.3.
  • Seamless developer experience.
  • Enhanced attribute editing capabilities for complex products.
  • Improved GraphQL coverage.
  • Craft CLI enhancements.
  • Fixed issues with famous payment gateways like Braintree and PayPal to ensure uninterrupted checkout experiences.
  • Provides comprehensive activity log information.
  • Latest asynchronous bulk APIs for managing large datasets.
  • New script to reset Visual Merchandiser placements.

Now that we have what are the highlights of Magento latest version, let’s take an in-depth look at what more we got in the latest Magento upgrade.

Magento 2.4.7 Release – Everything You Need to Know

1. Performance Enhancements

Magento 2.4.7 release provides a variety of performance enhancements, including cache management and optimized indexing. 

These improvements offer quicker loading times and improved overall system responsiveness, directly benefiting online shoppers by offering a seamless shopping experience. The Page Builder tool introduced in Magento 2.3 has also been upgraded to the Magento latest version. 

With this feature, users can create and manage content pages easily using a drag-and-drop interface. 

The enhanced functionality helps you to develop even more interactive and engaging pages, which increases customer engagement and conversion rates.

2. B2B Functionality Updates

With this update, the Magento 2.4.7 release takes a remarkable step forward in B2B capabilities by including B2B 1.4.2.

Along with fixing critical bugs and errors, this release focuses more on PHP Application Server improvements from Adobe Commerce 2.4.6-beta2. This ensures wider coverage for B2B GraphQL APIs and a smoother user experience. 

Building on improvements introduced in 2.4.7-beta1, this iteration simplifies the B2B experience. 

Now, sales representatives can generate quotes directly from the admin panel, and line item discounts gain versatility with percentages, extended pricing options, and fixed value. The negotiation process becomes more transparent with the capability to exchange notes directly on quotes. 

The Quote Detail view has a user-friendly makeover that allows smooth actions like changing notes, adding items, configuring products directly from the quote page, and applying discounts. 

Magento 2.4.7 also received other B2B functionality improvements, such as GraphQL and REST APIs, which include new endpoints for seller-initiated quotes and expanded coverage for shared catalogs. This release supports Adobe Commerce’s commitment to enhancing and refining the B1B eCommerce journey. 

3. Security Enhancement

The Magento latest version includes the same security enhancements and fixes that are found in Adobe Commerce versions 2.4.6-p5, 2.4.5-p7, and 2.4.4-p8. 

However, no confirmed attacks associated with these issues have been found or reported so far, several vulnerabilities can potentially be leveraged to get customer data or take control of administrator sessions. 

Many of these vulnerabilities need attackers to first get access to the Admin. Hence, it is important to take all the necessary security measures to protect your Admin, such as using a VPN, implementing IP allowlisting, enabling two-factor authentication, maintaining good password practices, etc. 

Additional security enhancement includes:

  • Limitations on the total auto-generated coupon codes to prevent the system from overloading 
  • The latest full-page cache configuration setting for mitigating risks related to specific endpoints
  • Non-generated cache keys for blocks have character limitations and prefixes
  • The default Admin URL generation process optimization for improved randomness
  • Default behavior changes in REST endpoint and GraphQL query for email availability

Why Upgrade to Magento 2.4.7?

Upgrading to the latest Magento 2.4.7 release is a good option because it provides enhanced security to ensure your eCommerce store is fully secured from all threats. 

The latest Magento upgrade contains performance improvements that increase your store’s loading time. This leads to customer satisfaction and increases sales. 

Magento 2.4.7 release also includes the latest features that make managing your online website efficient, easier, and simpler. 

The update supports the latest technologies like PHP 8.3 to keep your eCommerce store up-to-date with current standards. 

Moreover, it resolves bugs from previous versions for a smoother and more reliable customer shopping experience.

Features and Benefits of Magento 2.4.7

The latest Magento 2.4.7 release incorporates several changes intended to boost online stores’ performance, convenience, and security.

  • Performance Enhancements: The Magento 2.4.7 release is centered on performance, especially with GraphQL capability. This leads to enhanced cache, agility, and interfaces, translating to a more efficient platform for merchants and customers.
  • Improved Cart Management: With the new createGuestCart, handling shopping carts for guest users is easy. Further, you can now clear some selected shopping carts in one step, making your work easier.
  • Order Cancellation Made Easy: Customers can cancel orders and provide reasons for doing so. This feature helps liberate customers and reduce the burden on your customer service department.
  • Faster Page Loads: With optimized parser requests and cacheable queries, the performance of websites during periods of elevated traffic is considerably improved, thus providing your customers with a convenient navigation option.
  • Better Product Presentation: The order history views have been extended with options to display product images, which improves the perception of the ordering process. This can result in more traffic and better conversion rates 
  • Enhanced Payment Processing: Modifications to the Magento native module of Braintree payment gateway seek to enhance conversion rates by enabling impulse purchasing.
  • Express Payments: The Magento 2.4.7 release provides more express payment methods at checkout, including PayPal, PayPal Pay Later, Apple Pay, and Google Pay. This makes it easier and less likely that the customer will abandon the purchase process, therefore increasing conversions.

Magento 2.4.7 Release — Major Issue Fixes


Issue Fixed



Remote Code Execution Vulnerability Fixed an issue where attackers could execute arbitrary code via the web API.


Cache Performance Improved caching mechanisms to reduce load times and improve performance under heavy traffic.


Product Attribute Save Error Resolved an issue where saving product attributes caused errors and failed to update correctly.


PayPal Payment Error Fixed an issue causing errors during PayPal payments, ensuring smoother transaction processing.


Stock Quantity Mismatch Addressed inconsistencies in stock quantity updates across multiple stores.


API Data Retrieval Issue Fixed issues with data retrieval via the REST API, ensuring accurate data is returned.


Admin Login Timeout Resolved an issue causing frequent admin login timeouts, improving session stability.


Layout Rendering Problems Fixed rendering issues with custom themes, ensuring consistent layout across different viewports.


Deadlock Issues Addressed database deadlock issues that occurred during high transaction volumes.

Order Management

Duplicate Orders Fixed an issue causing duplicate orders to be created under certain conditions.


Incorrect Shipping Rates Resolved issues with incorrect shipping rates being calculated for specific shipping methods.

Payment Gateway

Stripe Payment Gateway Error Fixed compatibility issues with Stripe, ensuring smooth payment processing.


Customer Group Changes Not Saved Fixed issues where changes to customer groups were not being saved properly.


Cart Price Rule Error Resolved errors in applying cart price rules correctly, ensuring promotional discounts work as intended.

Product Import/Export

Product Import Failing with Large Data Sets Addressed failures in importing large data sets of products, improving the import/export functionality.


In short, the Magento 2.4.7 release brings some new changes and bug fixes that help enhance the functionality and security of the platform. 

The update also entails features such as better control of inventory, improved security features, and compatibility with the latest PHP versions. 

Magento 2.4.7 release also delivers innovations that enhance the shopping experience with better search and quicker page speed.

This version is intended to assist merchants in operating their online shops more effectively while simultaneously delivering a better shopping experience. 

If you are interested in Magento 2 development services, contact us now. Our team has extensive experience and can assist you in utilizing these new features to the fullest extent possible for your online store. We guarantee that your eCommerce site will be secure, fast, and easy to navigate using Magento 2.4.7.

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