Flutter 3.19 Update: Comprehensive Assessment of Features & Updates


By : Biztech

Flutter 3.19 Update: Comprehensive Assessment of Features & Updates1


“What’s new in Flutter 3.19?” Is this question popping up in your mind too? If yes, you’re at the right place to get the answer. Whether you’re a Flutter developer or someone willing to build an app using Flutter, the new Flutter 3.19 version update has a lot to do with your projects. With this update, Flutter is ready to help you build high-performance cross-platform applications. 

Google introduced its new Flutter 3.19 update on the 15th of February 2024. This update has brought up a multitude of state-of-the-art features, for instance, Windows Arm64, linking tool, GPU Tracking, AI integration with Gemini models, and the like for an exceptional Flutter development experience like never before. 

Flutter 3.19 has brought a complete package for performance improvements, quick fixes, as well as accessibility improvements. It’ll ensure an efficient development workflow, enriched app performance, and a tailored user experience. Let’s skip to the new Flutter 3.19 overview to learn its features and How Flutter Redefines App Development Trends!

Let’s Read between the lines!

Introduction to Flutter

Created by Google, Flutter is a popular open-source UI SDK (Software Development Kit) used to develop cross-platform applications. It’s built with Dart, C, and C++ programming languages. Flutter was initially described in 2015, and released in May 2017. Flutter helps businesses create platform-independent applications from a single codebase that can run on various platforms. Applications built using Flutter can efficiently run on Android, web, Fuchsia, iOS, macOS, Linux, and Windows. Before you hire flutter developers, let’s learn what the new Flutter 3.19 has to offer in detail!

Introducing the Latest Flutter 3.19 Version

The Flutter 3.19 version has been introduced aiming to bring new features that involve the following: 

  • AI Dark SDK for Gemini, a widget for widget animations.
  • Backdrop Filter Speedups to let Impeller not store the stencil buffer on various backdrop filters.  
  • Impeller enhancement for high-speed rendering. 
  • Adaptive Switch to access adaptive components. 
  • Scrolling improvements for a tailored multiple-figure scrolling experience. 
  • MSAA (Multisample Anti-Aliasing ) for detailed images. 
  • Deep-linking Web Validator to replace broken links and validate content. 
  • Windows Arm64 Support to help cross-platform apps perform natively. 

The features mentioned above are just a glance at the Flutter 3.19 Overview. Let’s explore many more features of the Flutter 3.19 version in detail!

Top-Notch Features From the Flutter 3.19 Update

Now that we’ve gone through the basics of Flutter and introduced the Latest Flutter 3.19 update, it’s time to dig a bit deeper and explore what’s new in Flutter 3.19 for businesses. Let’s flip through this guide and unwrap the comprehensive features and enhancements! 

AI (Artificial Inteligence) Integration

There are many features, however, the implementation of Artificial Intelligence is one of the significant ones of the Flutter 3.19 upgrade.  

The Implementation of AI with Gemini Models 

The new Flutter 3.19 update has released Google AI Dart SDK to beta which could bring next-level benefits when developing mobile applications based on artificial intelligence. The very AI model tends to be based on Gemini, an AI-enabled assistant powered by Google. It powers applications with content creation and summarization features. The feature provided by generative AI will help equip the apps with emerging technologies and user interaction. For example, generative AI can now be trained to create content such as videos, images, software codes, etc. 

Enhancements to the Framework

Following are some enhancements in the SDK through the Fluter 3.19 upgrade:

Scrolling Enhancements

Previous flutter versions would scroll twice as quickly when dragged using two fingers. Now, you can employ MultiTouchDragStrategy to tailor default ScrollBehavior. It’s helpful when it comes to building multi-finger scrolling behaviors. Furthermore, this update brings bug fixes aimed at ReorderableList, and SingleChildScrollView which will lead to a complete elimination of the obstacles. For instance, unexpected behavior and even crashes.


One of the Flutter community members, AcarFurkan, added a styleFrom static utility method that allows creating a SegmentedButton’s ButtonStyle in no time. It can be shared with additional segmented buttons or employed to configure an application’s SegmentedButtonTheme.

Improved Animation Style 

Animation style improvement is another feature of Flutter update 3.19. This innovative animationStyle widget enables developers to surpass animation curves and durations. This method works well for different widgets, such as ExpansionTitle, PopupMenuButton, and MaterialApp. 

Adaptive Switch

Now, developers can conveniently access the adaptive components capable of providing a native look and feel on iOS and macOS while deploying material design on other operating systems. Besides, it’s entirely independent of the Cupertino library, making the APIs appear similarly across different platforms. 

Improvements to the API 

Besides AI implementation and improvements to the framework, there are a few API enhancements as well in the new Flutter 3.19 version. 

Glyph Information

The new Flutter 3.19 update includes the two new methods, getGlyphInfoAt, and getClosestGlyphInfoForOffset on the dart:ui Paragraph object. Both of them return a new type of object GlyphInfo. 

GPU tracking

Now, the Flutter engine under Impeller on Metal (Simulator, iOS, macOS), along with the Vulcan-enabled Android devices, reports GPU timing for each time frame in the timeline to debug and profile builds. You can simply inspect the GPU frame timing in DevTools inside the “GPUTracer” heading. The Vulkan-powered Android devices mightn’t report their support properly to query GPU timing. In that case, the developers need to enable GPU tracing using a flag set in the AndroidManifest.xml file on these devices.

The Best Flutter Engine Android OpenGL

Following are the enhancements to the Android OpenGL in Flutter Engine in the Flutter 3.19 version:

Impeller Enhancement

Impeller enhancement is another one of the features of the Flutter 3.19 update. It introduces an impeller with competencies to power Vulkan-enabled Android devices. The Impeller rendering engine has the competencies to power the Flutter mobile app with attractive visuals and seamless rendering speed. 

MSAA (Multisample Anti-Aliasing ) for Detailed Images

An enhanced visual appeal of an application has always been the priority, and MSAA is intended to do that. It provides smoother text and graphics intending to improve the visual appeal of Flutter mobile applications. 

Full-Functional Impeller on OpenGL and Vulkan backends

There are several competencies such as optimal support for external textures and custom shaders that are being developed, however, the Impeller is seamlessly getting close to being well-functional on OpenGL as well as Vulkan backends.

Flutter 3.19 Update for Android

Besides all of the above, the Flutter 3.19 Version update brings some improvements for Android as well. 

Support for Share.invoke

The Flutter 3.16 version didn’t have the default Share button to text fields and views on Android, but now the issue has been fixed. The recent Flutter 3.19 update troubleshoots the hassle and ensures the default context menu button is available on every platform.

Deeplinking Web Validator

Contrary to the UI Kit in Flutter 3.16, Flutter 3.19 offers a robust deep-linking web validator tool. The deep linking validator tool helps flutter developers replace dead links and validate content. This feature allows developers to build Flutter apps timelessly and conveniently. 

Native Assets Feature

Are you the one on the lookout for Flutter’s interoperability with functions in various programming languages? If yes, you can now employ FFI calls via Native assets on Android, which is part of ongoing attempts to support Native assets. 

Custom System-Wide Text Selection Toolbar Buttons

The new Flutter 3.19 version update allows Android developers to leverage custom text selection menu items available on all the text selection menus. Custom text selection menus tend to appear after you long press on the text. This update enables the TextField selection menu in Flutter to contain all such items.

Texture Layer Hybrid Composition (TLHC) Mode

The latest version of Flutter includes features that now enable Google Maps and the text input magnifier to work in the TLHC mode, ensuring next-level performance for Flutter development projects. Are you continuously using Google Maps? If you are, you’re advised to experience the changes and get back with your feedback! 

The New Flutter iOS Update

Now that we’ve assessed what’s new in Flutter 3.19 for Android, let’s see what’s new for iOS! 

Flutter iOS Native Fonts

In Flutter 3.19, the Flutter text seems to be a little more compact and native on iOS devices. The thought for this change is that the smaller fonts on iOS devices should be as spread as it’s convenient to read. But, this large font should be compact enough to avoid taking up much space. Now, developers can integrate native iOS fonts in the app development procedure directly.  

DevTools Updates

Flutter 3.19 update has updated the features of Devtools too. Have a look at the following:

  • A new feature and screen have been added in DevTools intending to validate deeplinks setup on Android.
  • A new option has been added in the Enhance Tracing menu to keep track of platform channel activity which is beneficial for apps with plugins. 
  • Now, the Flutter Sidebar in VS Code can enable new code if not enabled for the current project.  
  • The DevTools menu in the sidebar has the option to open DevTools in an external browser window.  
  • Now, the performance and CPU profiler screens are available when there’s no connected application. 


Besides all mentioned above, the Flutter new features have brought improvement for the Desktop as well.  

Windows Arm64 Support  

The latest Flutter 3.19 Version on Windows is now supporting the Arm64 architecture. This initial support helps cross-platform Flutter applications to perform natively on Windows Arm64 devices. It ensures a promising enhancement for the support and performance optimization of a large number of Windows devices.  

Performance Optimizations

Have a look at the change brought in terms of performance optimization through the recent Flutter 3.19 update:

Specialization Constants

The latest Flutter update has added support for specialization constants to Impeller. Leveraging the benefits of this feature in Impeller’s shaders cuts down the size of the uncompressed binary of the Flutter engine by up to 350KB. 

Major Fixes in Flutter Release Notes 

Flutter 3.19 update introduces a multitude of fixes, however, the pointers below show some of the prominent ones in the Flutter release notes:

  • The latest Flutter version has added Windows leak tracking that assists in troubleshooting leak-testing test failures in an app.   
  • Now, developers can leverage fix memory leaks in WidgetInspector and over WidgetInspectorService.
  • The new Fluter version introduces Fix doc TODO.
  • A command line parameter to assist you with leak tracking.
  • The Flutter community, with this latest version, introduces the Bump template and an integration test Gradle version to 7.6.4.
  • The Flutter 3.19 provides [flutter_tools] aimed at supporting tool integration tests to quit SIGINT.
  • The Fix DatePicker Dialog content won’t be visible on a lower text scale any longer.
  • Now, it provides an error message when ColorScheme.brightness doesn’t match the ThemeData.brightness.

On the Lookout for Flutter Development?

Wrapping Up!

That’s pretty much about the features and enhancements in the Flutter 3.19 update! With this update, Futter has brought a complete suite of fixes, performance improvements for a rich user experience. Some of the features of this update include AI implementation, enhancements to the Framework, scrolling enhancements, improvement to the animation style, and many more. These all will lead to an efficient, streamlined, and secure Flutter app development. 

Now that you’ve become familiar with the updates and benefits of the Flutter 3.19 version, you may be thinking about Flutter app development. If you are, then BiztechCS can be your destination for a complete range of Flutter development solutions. We offer end-to-end flutter development and consulting services to businesses across the globe. Contact us now!

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