Brussels Kart
  • Integration of Customized Odoo Theme
  • Customized Three-Level Mega Menu Implementation
  • Development and Integration of Responsive Multiple Snippets
  • Implementation of Multiple Domains for the Odoo Website


HTML5, Odoo, Python
Words that make an impact
lines love

The Challenges

Responsive Website Design with Theme

The challenge was to create a robust and user-friendly website using Odoo e-commerce module. We also had to incorporate multiple features & functionalities according to the website theme.

Mega Menu Customization

The website of Brussels Kart needed the section of products and CMS pages which were divided into categories and subcategories. Each section required ‘Private’ and ‘Business’ category and a subcategory underneath that.

Dynamic Snippets

Multiple snippets had to be created for each page of the website. We decided to make the snippets according to the look of the website and the business of the client by optimizing Odoo technology.

Multiple Pages For All Domains

Multiple domain management was needed for all pages, categories, and subcategories. The website pages had to look elegant and had to have a robust infrastructure.

The Solutions

Creating Odoo Responsive Theme

Robust and user-friendly website was created using Odoo e-commerce integration with required functionalities and features.

Mega Menu

To make this possible, we had to implement a three-level mega menu with categories and subcategories along with an admin section which can be configured according to Odoo’s standard flow.

Dynamic Snippets from Bootstrap Design

We created static and dynamic snippets from the given bootstrap design keeping the device responsiveness in mind.

Multi-Domain Site

Multiple domain management was implemented for all pages, categories, and subcategories.

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